Location FAQs
Where is Poppy Ridge located?
Golf at Poppy Ridge FAQs
Where do I find the scorecard?
How can I learn more about the course?
Are practice facilities available?
Do you offer golf lessons?
How do I stay up to date with tournament schedules, events, special promotions, announcements, and more at Poppy Ridge?
Tee Times FAQs
I’m an NCGA member. How can I access member tee times online?
NCGA members are required to create a new login credential to access Poppy Ridge member tee times (see detailed instructions). If you already have Poppy Ridge login credentials, you can log in and book here .
Can I book a tee time online or over the phone?
How many carts are allowed per tee time?
Do you allow fivesomes?
What is your cancellation policy?
How far in advance can I book a tee time?
What time do twilight hours start?
Non-Members: 3 PM March–October, 1 PM November–February
What are the hours of operation for the driving range?
Monday: Sunrise to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Tuesday: Sunrise to 2 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Thursday: Sunrise to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Friday: Sunrise to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Saturday: Sunrise to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Sunday: Sunrise to 1 Hour Prior to Sunset
Note: Hours subject to change for private events
Rates FAQs
What are the rates at Poppy Ridge?
Do you have a nine-hole rate?
What is the age requirement for the Senior rate?
When is the Youth on Course rate available?
Monday through Thursday after 12 PM
Friday through Sunday after 3 PM
Note: Youth on Course reservations must be made in person or over the phone; online bookings are not valid for the Youth on Course rate.
Rules and Code of Conduct FAQs
What are your golf policies regarding Rules and Code of Conduct?
Please read our Poppy Ridge Golf Course Policies prior to your scheduled tee
What is the dress code?
Do you allow animals/pets on the property?
Can I bring my own food and beverages?
How old do you have to be to drive/rent a golf cart?
Poppy Ridge Club Membership FAQs
How long is my membership active?
How much does it cost?
What are the benefits?
Can another golfer use my membership benefits?
How do I earn points?
Can I play at any time?
What can I use my points towards?
How many points does it take to redeem a complimentary round?
How do I register for a Poppy Ridge Club tournament?
What else do I need to know?
Dining and Shopping FAQs
What are The Grill’s hours?
What are the hours for your other food and beverage venues?
How do I make reservations for The Grill?
What do you serve at The Grill?
Do you serve brunch?
How do I order takeout?
Can I order ahead of time?
Can I order for a large group?
Is The Grill open to the public?
Are animals allowed at The Grill?
How do I get more information on hosting weddings and private events at The Grill?
How do I purchase a gift card?
Event FAQs
Can I host a group golf outing at Poppy Ridge?
How can I see menu options for events or learn more about events at Poppy Ridge?
Does Poppy Ridge host weddings?
What is your maximum occupancy?
Wedding FAQs
Does Poppy Ridge host and cater weddings?
Yes! Please visit the Weddings page for more information.
Banquet FAQs
How can I see menu options or learn more about events at Poppy Ridge?
To request more information, please fill out the form above or contact Abby Crandall, our Food & Beverage Director, at acrandall@poppyridgegolf.com.
Does Poppy Ridge host and cater weddings?
Yes! Please visit the Weddings page for more information.
What is your maximum occupancy?
Depending on the specifics of the event, our maximum capacity ranges from 160 to 240 guests.